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The application of Total Physical Response(TRP) in primary school English teaching

站外转载   发布时间:2019-11-19   [点击量:5051]  

1.0 Introduction
1 .1 Background of the study
1.2 Significance and purpose of the study
  1.3 Organization of the study
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Background of the TPR approach
        2.1.1 Study of TPR approach aboard
        2.1.2 Study of TPR approach in China
    2.2 Theoretical framework of TPR approach
        2.2.1 Linguistic theories
        2.2.2 Psychological theories   
3.0  Teaching Experiment
    3.1 Research method
    3.2 Research instruments
3.3 Questionnaires
3.4 Interview
4.0 Results and Discussion
    4.1 The result of data analysis of the questionnaires
    4.2 The result of data analysis of the interviews
5.0 Conclusion

  21世纪,小学英语教学正在走向多元化,注重学生的学习主动性,强调学生在学习中的占主体地位。为了调动学生学习的积极性,教师在课堂上开展形式各样的活动,从而培养学生对学习英语的兴趣。TPR教学法正好可以符合这个要求。美国加利福尼亚州圣荷西(San Jose)州立大学的著名心理学家詹姆斯·阿士尔(James Asher)于20世纪60年代提出了TPR教学法,该教学法倡导学生在学习英语的时候要像婴幼儿学习母语一样,借助情感作用和主动性,通过肢体语言轻松的学习第二语言。在TPR教学中,教师会运用表演、音乐、图片、游戏等形式开展英语教学,比较重视语言和肢体动作的协调以及师生之间的互动。TPR教学法的重大特点就是寓教于乐。该教学法能够激发学生学习第二语言的动机和兴趣,激发他们学习语言的欲望,还能有效减少学生学习时的焦虑,以达到快速理解和记忆的效果。
为了解教师和学生对TPR教学法的态度、认知等的了解程度,本研究借助问卷调查法和实践法对小学中低年级的教师及学生进行了问卷、访谈及课堂观察。从学生、教师、学校以及教法进行深度原因探析,发现以下问题: 1.教法本身存在局限性;2.学校精神和物质双层面投入不充分; 3.教师观念意识与专业能力欠佳; 4学生自身主动和团队意识薄弱.最后,笔者根据调查结果总结了TPR教学法在小学英语教学中的应用现状,针对以上问题提出了对应性策略,如建立教研员机制、改变落后教学观念、学校加大资金投入主动进行专业素养的自我提升等;增强团队合作意识;最后笔者结自身的TPR教学经验进行归纳总结,提出有效的TPR教学策略。
关键词:TPR教学法; 小学英语教学


In the 21st century, English teaching in primary schools is becoming more and more diversified, emphasizing students' learning initiative and their dominant position in learning.In order to arouse the enthusiasm of students, teachers carry out various kinds of activities in class, so as to cultivate students' interest in learning English. TPR teaching method can exactly meet this requirement.San Jose, California (San Jose state university, famous psychologist James and o er (James Asher), puts forward the TPR teaching method in the 1960s, the teaching method encourage students when they study English like infants and young children learn language, with the aid of emotional effect and initiative, through body language learning a second language easily. In TPR teaching, teachers will use performances, music, pictures, games and other forms to carry out English teaching, and pay more attention to the coordination of language and body movements as well as the interaction between teachers and students. The main characteristic of TPR teaching method is to teach through lively activities. This teaching method can stimulate students' motivation and interest in learning a second language, stimulate their desire to learn a language, and effectively reduce students' anxiety when learning, so as to achieve the effect of rapid understanding and memory.
In order to understand the attitudes and cognition of teachers and students towards TPR teaching method, this study conducted questionnaires, interviews and classroom observations on teachers and students in middle and lower grades of primary schools by means of questionnaire survey and practical methods. Through in-depth analysis of the reasons of students, teachers, schools and teaching methods, the following problems are found: 1.The teaching method itself has its limitations 2. Inadequate investment in both spiritual and material aspects of the school;  3. Teachers' poor sense of concept and professional ability; 4. students' initiative and team consciousness is weak. In the end, the author according to the survey summarizes the application of the TPR teaching method in primary school English teaching situation, put forward the correspondence strategy, aiming at the above problems, such as establishing the mechanism of research staff, change the backward teaching idea, the school more money into the initiative of professional self improvement, etc.; Enhance the sense of teamwork; Finally, the author sums up his own TPR teaching experience and puts forward effective TPR teaching strategies.
Key words: TPR teaching method; Primary school English teaching
1.0 Introduction

1 .1 Background of the study

At present, in terms of the current situation of English teaching in primary schools in China, most teachers are influenced by traditional teaching concepts and adopt backward teaching methods.This way imprisons the students' thinking, students often rely on rote "grasp" knowledge, learning boring, especially in terms of vocabulary, but such "grasp" is not solid, let alone use. Vocabulary is the foundation of language. It is not only a key point but also a difficult point in primary school English teaching. Due to the elementary student age small, give priority to with image thinking, abstract thinking ability is bad, a lot of interesting only to the classroom teaching content and interested in game, to compare the boring teaching contents, difficulty concentrating, prone to boredom, so as to grasp of the words become a weak link of students learning English. The problem of vocabulary teaching in primary school English classes is rooted in the lack of artistry in vocabulary teaching, and teachers' failure to fully stimulate students' interest in learning. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to explore the mystery of English vocabulary teaching and think about novel teaching methods. The new curriculum standards clearly put forward that the foreign language curriculum has the dual nature of "tool" and "humanity", and we should pay attention to the quality education of students, adopt the way of activities, and advocate students to acquire knowledge through experience and participation. Therefore, various teaching methods come into being in China, among which the whole body response method, as a new teaching method for foreign language education, which is popular all over the world, has been favored by researchers.
It is very important to train students' listening and speaking ability. The point of the English class is exactly that. To cultivate the listening, speaking, reading and writing ability of international students, with emphasis on improving their English communication ability. This shows that English class caters to the general learning purpose of students very well, which also raises the importance of English class to a higher level.
The choice and application of teaching method plays a key role in English teaching. Therefore, based on the importance of teaching methods, domestic and foreign scholars continue to deepen their research on second language teaching methods, and new teaching methods emerge in an endless stream. From the traditional grammar translation method, direct method, method, audio-visual method, the development of the cognitive method, function method, communicative approach, etc., to the emerging of the vision of law, the whole body reaction method, community learning method, etc (Liu, 2000), reflects the new trend in the development of second language teaching, it also to English teaching in the teaching method of the research on a important lesson, the teachers should absorb the good teaching method and its application in English teaching.
1.2 Significance and purpose of the study

TPR teaching method is a new second language teaching method proposed by James Ashen, a famous language and psychologist at San Jose state university in California, USA, in the 1960s through scientific experimental research.This teaching method advocated learning a second language should be like a baby and children's acquisition of mother tongue, use their own subjective active and positive emotions, with the aid of physical exercise easily, naturally, learning a second language (Ashen, 1996). The TPR teaching method emphasizes in the second language teacher, professor, the body movements and language learning effectively combined, also attaches great importance to interaction in the process of second language learning.Putting learning in a relaxed and pleasant environment is a significant feature of TPR teaching method, which enables students to have a stronger interest in learning language and receive the target language more positively and optimistically.
At the present stage, TPR teaching method is widely used in the field of children's English teaching in China. Although TPR teaching method has been widely recognized and discussed in the field of English teaching, due to limitations of students, teachers, teaching environment and conditions, TPR teaching method still needs to be expanded in the breadth and depth of practical application.
This article combine TPR teaching method and the primary school English teaching, combining theory with practice, to optimize the classroom teaching process, to promote Chinese spoken language diversity of teaching methods, improve and enhance the teaching effect, the purpose of at the same time, but also to the construction of high quality English teachers troop, is conducive to the development of English teaching.
1.3 Organization of the study

2.0 Literature Review

2.1.1 Study of TPR approach aboard

TPR (Total Physical Response) teaching method is a new second language teaching method put forward by James Asher, a famous language and psychologist at California San Jose state university, in the 1960s through scientific experimental research."The teaching method to advocate the second language learning should be like a baby and children's acquisition of mother tongue, use their own subjective active and positive emotions, with the help of limb movement easily and naturally, learning a second language". TPR teaching method emphasizes in the second language teacher, professor, the body movements and language learning effectively, attention to the interaction in the process of second language learning. Putting learning in a relaxed and pleasant environment is a significant feature of TPR teaching method, which enables students to have a stronger interest in language learning and receive the target language more positively and optimistically.
Professor Asher, as the founder of the TPR teaching method, has done a lot of research on TPR and achieved some results. After observing a large number of children and adults acquire language, he found that when adults have the opportunity to acquire language through body movements, they perform as well as or better than children. Although Asher then conducted experiments with his student Garcia, he further discovered that puberty is a biomarker of pronunciation, body movement is an effective method of language acquisition.
In 1969, professor Asher conducted a comprehensive review and experiment on various foreign languages by using the whole body reaction method, which summarized as follows :TPR teaching method can promote long-term memory; Body language makes it easy for students to understand the main idea of command and let them know its importance. Precise location of factors that affect the rapid understanding and efficient memory ability of TPR teaching method, including location, sequence, etc. It concluded that body movements were the most important factor.Asher and his students then proceeded to systematically experiment with adults in addition to native discourses. The results again prove that the instructions taught by physical behavior are more easily accepted and understood, and their expression is more accurate and skilled.
In 1972, Asher experimented with the TPR method of learning French for adults in a school with only evening classes.The final result is that : (1) imperative sentence can replace many common sentence pattern imitation learning. (2) students using TPR can not only better interpret French, but also greatly shorten their learning time and improve their learning efficiency. (3) listening and speaking training can promote the cultivation of intensive reading and writing, and provide a lot of class time for other aspects of learning, so as to improve the efficiency of classroom learning. Through scientific experiments, the advantages of TPR teaching method are proved again.
Of course, every linguist has his own unique views on TPR teaching method. Krashen and Terrell extend TPR to natural teaching method, and learners will join in practical and meaningful discourse communication, so that people will know that the way of learning English is much better than the effect of learning. In addition, h.e. Palmer proposed the teaching sequence of second language listening, speaking, reading and writing 60 years ago." He advocates that the ability of understanding comes before the ability of expression. At the beginning of the second language teaching, there should be a listening training stage of about a month, and students are not required to speak immediately. The purpose is to develop students' initial ability and learning habits to understand the target language. He also says "command drills" are best for complete beginners. After that, a series of similar propositions emerged, and various teaching methods based on listening comprehension came into being gradually, among which TPR teaching method is the most representative one.
A further development of the TPR teaching method is Ms. Blame Ray.California in the United States, in 1990, there was a call Blame Ray's Spanish teacher combined with James Asher's theory of "TPR and Krashen's theory of language acquisition to create" TPRS C Totally physical response storytelling) theory, "this kind of method to learn the advantages and limitations of TPR teaching method, to modify and improve the action instruction with the form of a story and to improve the students' ability of language input and output.This theory not only broadens the age of language learners, but also refines relevant teaching theories.
TPR is a new second language teaching method proposed in 1960s. From 1960 to 1990, this method was popular all over the world. In European and American countries, TPR teaching method develops smoothly and mature in Europe and America because the teaching mode combining action and language conforms to the active and extroverted personality of European and American students. However, at the end of the 20th century, TPR teaching method began to be introduced into China.
2.1.2 Study of TPR approach in China

Since the end of the 20th century, TPR teaching method has been introduced into China, which has been highly praised by primary and secondary school English teachers and widely used in English teaching. A large number of research results on the application of TPR teaching method in English classroom teaching are also gradually increasing.
First of all, TPR ENGLISH introduced "TPR language learning method" into China in 1992, and established China's first fully market-oriented language training school in zhuhai, an American TPR ENGLISH specialized school. The establishment of the teaching system TPR-2000 has further developed the TPR language learning method in China. However, academic researches on TPR teaching method were rarely mentioned in the literature in the 1990s, and have been increasing since the 21st century.
Among the earlier literatures, xiong xueliang (1989) translated MasayukiSano's paper on TPR teaching method and introduced the literature on TPR teaching to the domestic English teaching circle.
Zhu yulong (1994) introduced the content of TPR teaching method according to his own teaching practice, and explained the five levels of TPR teaching method. He described the steps of TPR classroom teaching according to the teaching practice. The actual teaching process of TPR teaching method in this paper has great enlightenment and guiding function for front-line teachers.At the same time, it also shows the teaching principle of TPR teaching method: understanding first, expression second.
Since the 21st century, zhang qin (2006) briefly introduced the theoretical background of linguistics and psychology of TPR teaching method in his paper. He mainly introduced the TPR teaching mode proposed by Asher based on relevant principles based on his research on children's mother tongue learning. He believes that "instruction and games are good methods to implement TPR teaching method", which is one of many teaching methods. TPR teaching method should be combined with other effective teaching methods to better complete teaching tasks and achieve the best teaching effect.
After that, Shao Qi (2010) discussed the concept and theoretical basis of Total physical Response teaching method, its application in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of this teaching method. With examples, he briefly describes the specific application and modes of TPR teaching methods, such as game teaching, intuitive teaching, holistic teaching, performance teaching and painting teaching.In his opinion, TPR teaching method should be combined with other teaching methods, such as game method, situational method, music painting and other teaching methods, so as to pay attention to every student and achieve the best teaching effect. This point of view is consistent with zhang qin's and can be widely applied to practical teaching.
Of course, in the Chinese teaching circle, the attention of TPR teaching method has been increasing in recent years. There's been a lot of research. Wei xing (2014) and du jianyong (2011) demonstrated the feasibility of TPR teaching method in Chinese teaching through experiments in their papers. Wei xing focuses on the practical application of TPR teaching method in elementary oral Chinese class. This paper discusses the application effect of TPR in elementary oral Chinese teaching by means of teaching experiment and investigation. Du jianyong demonstrated the feasibility of TPR teaching method in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, aiming to increase the interest and efficiency of classroom teaching. By analyzing and comparing the characteristics of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the status of TPR teaching method and relevant theories, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of TPR teaching method in the application of Chinese as a foreign language, and constructs the general feasibility model of TPR teaching method in Chinese teaching. The author has demonstrated the feasibility of TPR teaching method in Chinese teaching for both of them, but has not done further research on the problems of TPR in Chinese teaching. In view of the reasons, detailed analysis has been made to find solutions, so as to further improve the application of TPR teaching method in Chinese teaching as a foreign language.
To sum up, the author believes that TPR teaching method is applicable to the teaching of the second language, whether it is foreigners taking Chinese as the second language or Chinese taking English as the second language. However, through sorting out the above literatures, the following problems are found: most literature studies focus on demonstrating the feasibility of TPR teaching method, and empirical studies on the practicability of TPR teaching method in second language teaching are conducted by using experimental method, investigation method and other methods.TPR teaching method is combined with conventional games, situations, music and other teaching methods for classroom application, but no innovative and practical teaching aids are proposed, and no overall sorting and summary is made by using different teaching aids for different teaching contents. This has found a breakthrough and expanded the space for this study.
2.2 Theoretical framework of TPR approach

2.2.1 Linguistic theories

In his book Language (1933), Bloomfield, the father of structuralist linguistics, first proposed structuralist linguistics. In the analysis of language structure, he mainly studied the distribution of language, and often used the direct component analysis method to analyze the structural levels of language. On the basis of the analysis, he segmented, merged, classified and combined the language units, and reconstructed the morpheme phoneme concept combining phonetics and grammar. He regarded language as a tool and means of communication obtained through "stimulation-response". He emphasized the differences between different languages and focused on describing and studying different language systems and their structural forms.Although Ashen does not directly discuss the linguistic theoretical basis of TPR teaching method, it is closely related to structural linguistics in terms of the arrangement and name of classroom exercises. Ashen sums up several corollaries: first, understanding comes first. That is to say, in the process of learning the second language, the first emphasis is on the understanding of language knowledge, and on the basis of understanding, the language structure is practiced. Second, a language is always composed of concrete words and abstract words, most of which refer to concrete verbs and verbs in imperative sentences. Third, in order to increase the input of target language in class, teachers can repeatedly use imperative sentences containing language knowledge and ask students to make corresponding correct behaviors and actions to respond.He believed that the grammatical structure and various words could be improved by teachers' skillful use of imperative sentencesStudents understand and master.
According to ascher's reasoning, in the process of English teaching in primary schools, pupils should not be required to open their mouths to practice immediately at the beginning, but should be given enough time to understand new language knowledge, and should be encouraged to open their mouths to carry out language practice and practice after learning the content to be learned.
2.2.2 Psychological theories

First, the TPR teaching method draws on the theory of "memory trace" in psychology. The theory is that the more frequent the memory, the more intense the feeling, the more successful the recall.Recall can be done through physical contact, or it can be done verbally.Using body movements to remember language forms makes them easier to remember and more likely to recall successfully.Secondly, the theory of "memory trace" also suggests that the combination of written exercises (such as rote memorization and memorizing words) and physical activity response is beneficial to improve the possibility of memory recall (gong xiaoli, 2011). TPR teaching method takes listening to listening as the main form of teaching organization, which involves a large number of body movement responses, and expresses the understanding of instructions in this way, which is a strong memory connection and can improve the recall rate and memory retention rate.
Second, from the perspective of developmental psychology, ascher believes that the process of adult success in learning a second language is similar to that of child acquisition.In the initial stage of language learning, imperative sentences are the most important words for children's native language acquisition. Children learn to react with their bodies instinctively, and get verbal or emotional rewards if they do the right thing.From the perspective of developmental psychology, its second language acquisition theory mainly has the following two aspects : 1. Second language acquisition order: comprehension comes before output.Ashen concluded in his experiments that "understanding is the most basic skill before speaking" (Ashen, 1969). 2. Second language acquisition: command - action response.Ashen found in the experiment that, through TPR teaching strategy, students can understand and respond to instructions more quickly when they receive instructions, which is similar to children's acquisition of their mother tongue.Meanwhile, Ashen and his student Garcia found in experiments that adolescence is a biomarker of pronunciation, so "learning a foreign language should be appropriate before the age of 13 for authentic pronunciation" (Ashen, 1969). Listening and doing is the main form of teaching organization, which is the most prominent feature of whole-body response teaching strategy.The teacher gives the instruction "hands up" and signals the students to raise their hands with the sign language. At the beginning, the students cannot say the words accurately, but can only follow the teacher to express their understanding of the instruction with body movements. Next, the instruction of the teacher may change from "hands up" to "sit straight". When students internalize the knowledge instruction, ready to language output, the teachers can let students said instruction, teachers and other students listen and do the action, listening skills will naturally into oral English skills, even at this stage of language learning, listening and doing is still the main teaching organization form, only the role of teachers and students at this stage the swaps.Learning verbs in such a lively and interesting way is certainly easier for students to accept.It is of great practical significance to apply TPR teaching method in vocabulary teaching, especially in verb teaching.Because TPR teaching method has a strong correlation with action, asher also pointed out that "teaching words with TPR should be conducted in a spacious space to ensure the unrestricted development of action behavior" (Ashen, 1977).
Thirdly, from the analysis of behaviorist psychology and gestalt psychology, we can know that people tend to perceive things from the whole.Therefore, in the actual teaching process, teachers should fully mobilize students' sensory system, emphasize the overall perception of language structure, and understand and master the knowledge of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar in the language flow.In addition, teaching materials are close to the needs of daily life and practical communication, and also conducive to the development of students' target language ability.All these psychological theories are strong support for TPR teaching method.
According to the psychological characteristics of primary school students, they have very limited time for classroom attention, and they are curious, active, playful and competitive.As Chinese primary school students are at the initial stage of learning English, their perception of the English language environment is very limited, learning mainly in the classroom, rarely natural and authentic output of language information, lack of basic environment necessary for English acquisition, which brings great difficulties to their foreign language learning. They want to do the English expressions of natural, authentic, accurate, need to take effective action, and the principle of TPR teaching method is through body movement, a professor of language, and since the beginning of the teaching, does not require students to speak, but let the student through body movements to express the understanding of language, it is a good way to achieve this goal.The TPR method gives them the opportunity to do movement (play) and maintain attention well.
In fact, language is a tool used by human beings to communicate thoughts and feelings. It can only play its role when it is dynamic, that is, when it is used. Since it is communication, it is a two-way or multi-directional activity.Under the guidance of this idea, our classroom teaching must first consider: students' English learning as a communicative ability training activities, rather than language knowledge infusion process.The whole body reaction method is a kind of refined and sublimated communicative activity form in the middle school of action, learning and playing. It is to learn in the real situation. In this process, students are enthusiastic about learning and have good teaching effect.
TPR teaching method conforms to the laws of children's physical and mental development and the principle of happy learning. It provides a learning environment closely connected with real life, allowing children to learn English in an immersive and practical experience.It is a kind of teaching method suitable for the primary stage of English learning, which enables pupils to learn English in a variety of activities and repeated exercises.

3.0  Teaching Experiment

3.1 Research method

In this study, 90 students from two parallel classes in grade four of experimental primary school were selected for an empirical study lasting one semester (16 weeks).The control class adopted the traditional English teaching method, and the experimental class adopted the TPR teaching method to carry out English classroom teaching.Centering on the efficiency and benefit of TPR teaching method, this study will adopt questionnaire survey, interview, test and other experimental means to collect and analyze experimental data of experimental class and control class respectively, so as to lay a foundation for the acquisition and discussion of experimental results.
In this study, the author designed a questionnaire survey and an interview. During the experiment, the author conducted classroom observation, made corresponding records and conducted teaching reflection.At the same time, the author conducted individual interviews with English teachers in the same teaching and research group and the same lesson preparation group, hoping to better understand the ideas and puzzles of teachers and students, and optimize the classroom teaching effect.
The first questionnaire is about the students' interest and attitude towards English learning before the experiment. The second questionnaire is about the students' interest and attitude towards English learning after the experiment.In order to better prove the effectiveness of TPR teaching method in primary school English teaching, the author collects, statistics and analyzes the valid data respectively.
3.2 Research instruments

Before the experiment, the experimental classes and that in comparative classes questionnaires at the same time, according to the actual situation of primary school English teaching and students' English learning situation, combined with the author carefully studied the primary school English new curriculum standard for primary school students of English learning requirements, at the same time, the various factors in reference to psychology to study the possible impact of this survey is designed.Through this survey, I try to understand the real situation of primary school English classroom and students' attitude towards English learning, analyze the main difficulties and reasons of students' English learning, and put forward some reasonable Suggestions and methods.
In order to obtain data of a large sample, the respondents of this questionnaire are two parallel classes of grade four in the experimental primary school, with a total of 90 students.In the morning of February 23, 2019, a class, with the support of two head teachers and all the students of two classes, asked the students to make a questionnaire about their English learning.Before handing out the questionnaire, tell the students to fill it out according to their actual situation.The author distributed 90 questionnaires and collected 90 of them, among which 88 were effective and the effective rate was 97.78%.

