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The Importance of Context in Translation

站外转载   发布时间:2019-11-20   [点击量:818]  

关键词:  上下文   翻译   重要性   关系
Translation, as a kind of cross-language and cross-cultural communication activity, can not be separated from context. Context plays an important role in translation because it plays an important role in understanding space and semantics. Therefore, the basis of correct translation should be to grasp the context accurately. This paper refers to the study of context at home and abroad, and through a contrastive analysis of the previous research results, determines the contextual content which is closely related to translation, then demonstrates through a large number of examples how each part of context affects translation and how to grasp these effects in translation, explains in detail the relationship between context and translation, and further explains the importance of context in the process of translation. It is revealed that context should be paid enough attention both in translation theory and in translation practice. In translation, we should pay attention to the different meanings of words in different contexts, pay attention to the different functions of different texts, and reproduce the original situation in translation.
Key Words:  speaking   interesting   activities

My heartfelt gratitude should be given to my supervisor, Mr. Wang Tongjun, who has been encouraging and enlightening me in the completion of my thesis. His valuable instruction and constructive suggestions have always inspired me to carry on my thesis.
My sincere thanks also should go to all of my teachers during my five years’ college life for their unwearied teaching.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements i
Introduction 1
1. The concept of context 2
2. The influence of context on translation 2
2.1 The restriction of context on Vocabulary Translation 3
2.2 The restriction of context on sentence Translation  3
3. The Application of linguistic context and non-linguistic context in Translation8
3.1 The Application of linguistic context in Translation 8
3.2The application of non-linguistic context in translatio 9
3.2.1 The Application of the Context of the Context in the Translation………… 10
3.2.2 The Application of Cultural Context in Translation…………………………10
3.2.3 The application of sub-language context in translation…………………… 10
Conclusion 11
Bibliography 12
Declaration 13

Language is a unique information system in human society, its transmission and acceptance always occur in the real environment, affected and dominated by the environment. This is the real environment, the language used by people in social communication is in a specific environment at every time in society, which is the basis, in specific situations and specific areas, for a specific purpose to communicate with a specific object. Specifically, it is the social environment and natural environment speech or writing, the background of the work, and so on, we call it the language environment. Translation, as the main purpose of communication between the two languages, is the language of communicative activities, which occurs in specific language, situational context and cultural context, and depends to a large extent on context.
A famous English proverb says, "No context, no text." In fact, it can be said that there is no background, no translation. The former shows the relationship between text and context, while the latter explains the important role of context in translation.  Text generation requires a certain language environment. only by placing oneself in the same conditions and environment and understanding the context in the author's ideological and emotional context, the translator can exclude all possible ambiguous and vague existence, reproduce the charm of the original text as much as possible, and thus translate the article.
The study of context has never stopped semantics, including pragmatics folklore, sociologist, anthropologist, philosopher and cognitive scientist, but the study of translation context has always been a complex problem, involving multi-disciplinary cross-types. Due to the limitation of space, it is only used in the content of context, the relationship between context and translation, and discusses the role of context in translation.
1. The concept of context
Context, as a basic concept in language research, has always been a hot topic for linguists at home and abroad. After many years of research and confirmation, context, that is, the use environment of language, includes not only the pre-and post-logical relationship of all language components, but also various subjective and objective factors that affect the communication of language communicators. The concept of context was first put forward by British social anthropologist Malinovsky in 1923. From a macro point of view, context can be divided into two categories: linguistic context and non-linguistic context.[4]
Language context refers to the various contexts on which a discourse structure expresses a particular meaning in the process of communication, which includes the context in the written language and the preface in the spoken language; non-verbal context refers to the various subjective and objective factors on which a discourse structure expresses a particular meaning in the course of communication, including time, place, occasion, cultural background, communication style and various non-verbal symbols (e.g. gestures, gestures), etc.
2. The influence of context on translation
In the field of translation, context has a great influence on the understanding and expression of language. The meaning of the same word or sentence may be completely different in different contexts. The understanding of language cannot be separated from context, which plays an important role in translation.
The translation is a kind of cross-language cross-cultural communication, through the process of "coding of information"-to-"decoding of information", from "Reencoding of information" to "re-decoding of information", It covers three stages, namely, the decoding of information, the conversion of information and the re-decoding of information, namely, the understanding, expression and inspection of the translation. In the same way as in-language communication, the translation of this kind of cross-cultural communication will also need to penetrate the context-based layer-by-layer package. Circumference can be achieved.
In addition, the success of the communication depends on the degree of the communication between the two parties in the context of the context, the context of the context and the social and cultural context. The higher the degree of sharing of the contextual factors, the greater the success rate of communication, and the smaller the success rate of communication.
2.1The restriction of context on Vocabulary Translation
The special concept of words determines that translation must be in a specific language environment in order to determine its meaning, which requires a full understanding and understanding of context. There are many polysemous words in English, such as the word "time", which has the meaning of time, but also the meaning of times and times. The word has many meanings, and there is no connection between the meanings, and its meaning is very different. If you put it in a different language environment, it is given an accurate meaning.
Therefore, when translating words, we must contact the contextual context and put the specific words in the whole context to understand them in order to accurately locate their meaning. Another example is: Please water those Flowers! If you translate according to the inherent understanding, it is easy to translate into "water those flowers", which is obviously not smooth. According to the context, it can be seen that the recipient of action is flower, water, which is the usage of noun variable verb and should be translated as watering. In this way, the sentence is accurately translated as: "Please water those flowers." "from this example, we can see that the specific meaning of polysemous words can only be determined by context. If the word is out of context, it is just a symbol, but once put into a specific language environment, the word will suddenly have a new meaning.
2.2The restriction of context on sentence Translation
Sentence is the basic unit of language use, it is composed of words, phrases or phrases, can express a complete meaning. If you tell someone something, ask a question, ask or stop, express some kind of feeling, indicate the continuation or omission of a paragraph. Sentences are made up of several words. Since the translation of words cannot be separated from the analysis of context, the translation of sentences needs the support of context. The context discussed here is not only the environment in speech, but also cultural background, social background and other factors. If you come from Forrest Gump, "It made me look like a duck in the water". If this sentence is translated as "it makes me like a duck in the water", it obviously does not properly reflect the author's intention, and the audience is unable to get effective information as soon as possible. It makes me a fish out of water. It makes me a fish out of water. It makes me a fish out of water. In the process of translation, if it is out of context and simply understood from the literal meaning, the translation will appear feeble.

