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Analysis on the Behavior Characteristics of College Students' Mobile Media Consumption Taking Chong

站外转载   发布时间:2019-11-26   [点击量:4717]  

As a new mobile media, mobile phone has had a profound impact on the learning and life of contemporary college students. According to the statistical bulletin of national economic and social development issued by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2018, by the end of 2018, China had added 11.696 million mobile phone users, reaching 12.29.11 million at the end of the year, of which 40.16 million were 3G mobile phone users. The number of Internet users is 618 million, of which the number of mobile Internet users is 500 million. College students are a large proportion of them. This study takes college students of Chongqing Second Normal University as the research objects, and collects research samples by randomly issuing questionnaires for research and analysis. A total of 230 questionnaires were issued and 224 were recovered, with a recovery rate of 97.4%. Among them 203 were valid, with an effective rate of 90.6%. Among the valid questionnaires, 97 were boys, accounting for 47.8%, 106 were girls, accounting for 52.2%, 51 were freshmen, accounting for 25.1%, 63 were sophomores, accounting for 31.0%, 55 were juniors, accounting for 27.1%, 34 were senior students, accounting for 16.7%. This paper mainly analyses the characteristics of college students' mobile media consumption behavior from three dimensions: mobile media brand selection, mobile media function use and mobile media consumption psychology. It has certain reference value for understanding college students' consumption psychology and habits of new media, as well as the influence of mobile media on college students' study and life, and has important significance for guiding college students to form correct media consumption concept and healthy media consumption behavior.
1. Brand Selection Characteristics of Mobile Media Consumption
Brand is the overall design of the product image and the systematic construction of the value connotation of the producer. It is the sum of the impressions of consumers on the product. It contains the common feelings and perceptions of producers and consumers about the uniqueness of the product. The core of brand is difference and uniqueness. Brands can accurately distinguish one manufacturer's product from another manufacturer's. As a mobile media, mobile phones are no exception. In the process of production and sales, mobile phone manufacturers gradually build their own brand according to the development strategy and market positioning, and influence consumers' understanding and understanding of products through different marketing means and communication methods. In this study, we mainly investigate the brand selection characteristics of college students' mobile media consumption from the aspects of the favorite mobile phone brand, the actual mobile phone brand purchased, and the most important factors in brand selection.
1.1 Favorite Mobile Brand
Among 203 valid questionnaires, the favorite mobile phone brands are: 121 people from IPhone, accounting for 59.6%; 56 people from Samsung, accounting for 27.6%; 10 people from Nokia, accounting for 4.9%; 6 people from Huawei, accounting for 2.96%; 5 people from Mi phones, accounting for 2.5%; 5 people from other brands, accounting for 2.5%. Of the 121 people who chose IPhone, 89 were female, accounting for 73.6% of the favorite brand and 43.8% of the total number. Statistical results show that the most popular mobile phone brands among college students are still international mobile phone brands such as IPhone and Samsung, which are widely publicized in various media, while only Huawei and Mi phones are the most popular brands among a small number of college students. Girls preferred the IPhone, while boys preferred the Samsung.
1.2 Actual Purchase of Mobile Brand
In actual purchases, 33 Mi phones accounted for 16.3%, 26 OPPO accounted for 12.8%, 24 Samsung accounted for 11.8%, 23 Bubugao accounted for 11.3%, 19 Huawei accounted for 9.4%, 18 IPhones for 8.7%, 16 Lenovo accounted for 7.9%, 14 ZTE accounted for 6.9%, 12 Nokia accounted for 5%, 6 Motorola accounted for 2.96%, 3 LG accounted for 1.5%, and 9 others accounted for 4.4%. In the actual purchase, college students' favorite brands of IPhone and Samsung are not in the forefront, and Mi phone stands out in the actual purchase. Statistical results show that the actual purchased mobile phone brand and favorite mobile phone brand accounted for 53 people, accounting for 26.1%, inconsistent 150 people, accounting for 73.9%. 95.3% of college students think that the inconsistency is due to economic reasons. This shows that some college students are constrained by the economic level and actual purchasing power, and the brand they actually buy deviates greatly from their favorite brand.
1.3 The Most Important Factor in Brand Selection
In this single choice, 56 people value the added value brought by the brand most, accounting for 27.6%; 33 people value the appearance of the brand mobile phone most, accounting for 16.3%; 22 people value the function of the mobile phone most, accounting for 10.8%; 65 people value the cost-performance ratio of the mobile phone brand most, accounting for 32.0%; 27 people value the quality of the mobile phone brand most, accounting for 13.3%. Among the most important factors, the price-performance ratio of mobile phone brand ranks first, followed by the added value brought by mobile phone brand, the third is the appearance of mobile phone, the fourth is the quality of mobile phone, and the fifth is the function of mobile phone. This shows that due to the constraints of economic conditions, college students pay most attention to the cost-effectiveness ratio when choosing mobile phone brand. Because of this, the domestic Mi phone is in the forefront of similar mobile phone brands with its cost-effective ratio, and is favored by college students in the actual purchase. And the function of mobile phone is in the last place, which shows that the functions of different brands of mobile phone can meet the actual needs of most college students.
2. Functional Use Characteristics of Mobile Media Consumption
With the rapid development of information technology, it is an indisputable fact that mobile phones are highly media-oriented. From the perspective of media, the functions of mobile phones can be divided into three main categories, namely, calling, sending short messages and surfing the Internet. Of course, the connotation of this function is more abundant, such as using QQ, Weixin, MoMo and other social apps to make friends and chat, using a variety of news clients to understand external information, browse news, as well as online shopping through mobile media, listening to music, watching videos, playing games and so on. Questionnaire statistics show that the characteristics of College Students' use of the three major functions of mobile media are mainly reflected by the length and frequency.


