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站外转载   发布时间:2019-12-13   [点击量:7658]  

This dissertation focuses on the robustness of model free adaptive control (MFAC) and iterative learning control (ILC), which are two typical data-driven control algorithms. The unmodeled dynamic is an important aspect for the robustness of model-based control theory. However, there is no unmodeled dynamics problem for the data-driven control algorithm, because the data-driven controller is designed only using the I/O data of the controlled plant, and doesn’t include any system model information. Hence, this dissertation studies the robustness of data-driven control algorithm in disturbance aspects and data dropout aspects. The main contents and key innovations are summarized as follows:1. The robustness of CFDL-MFAC algorithm with measurement disturbances and load disturbances is considered. The robust stability is given in the theoretical aspect, and the influence of the disturbances is analyzed by statistical analysis approach. The relationship between output error and disturbances statistical properties is also investigated to illustrate the influence.2. Aiming to suppress the influence of disturbances, four modified MFAC algorithms are proposed. They are the MFAC algorithm with a decreasing gain, the MFAC algorithm with a filter, the MFAC algorithm with a control input deadzone and the MFAC algorithm with disturbance observer. The convergences of modified MFAC algorithms are given, and the effectiveness and superiority of the modified algorithms are verified by simulations.3. The robustness of CFDL-MFAC algorithm with data dropout is considered. The stability of such a MFAC scheme is analyzed by the statistical approach. To evaluate the effect of data dropout, the convergent speed factor which describes the convergence speed of the MFAC process is introduced. It is shown that the output error convergent speed gets slower as dropout rate increases. The analysis is supported by simulations.4. Aiming to suppress the influence of data dropout, a MFAC algorithm with data compensation is proposed. The convergence analysis of the modified MFAC algorithm is given, and the effectiveness is supported by simulations.5. The robustness of iterative learning control algorithm with data dropout is considered. Using the so-called super-vector approach to ILC, the first order ILC scheme and the high order ILC scheme are both considered, and the expectation of output error is employed to develop the condition for stability of such the ILC process. Furthermore, the Hχiterative learning controller is designed when the discrete-time systems subject to both data dropout and iteration varying disturbance, which can guarantee both stability and the desired H∞performance in the iteration domain. The analysis is supported by numerical examples.

【关键词】 无模型自适应控制; 迭代学习控制; 数据驱动控制; 鲁棒性; 鲁棒控制; 扰动抑制; 数据丧失; 网络控制系统; H_∞性能;
【Key words】 Model free adaptive control; Iterative learning control; Data-driven control; Robustness; Robust control; Disturbance suppression; Data dropout; Networked control systems; H_∞performance;


【作者】 卜旭辉;

【导师】 侯忠生;

【作者根本信息】 北京交通大学, 智能交通工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 论文分析了两种典型数据驱动控制算法--无模型自适应控制算法和迭代学习控制算法--白勺鲁棒性问题。数据驱动控制算法白勺控制器设计仅使用系统白勺输入输出数据,不需要系统白勺模型信息,因此鲁棒性和基于模型控制理论白勺鲁棒性不同,不存在未建模动态意义下白勺鲁棒性。从数据白勺角度分析,不确定性包括扰动白勺影响和数据白勺丧失或不完备,因此本论文从数据扰动和数据丧失两个方面分析数据驱动控制算法白勺鲁棒性,主要分析内容和创新点总结如下一、针对存在测量扰动和负载扰动白勺一类非线性离散时间系统,分析了基于紧格式线性化无模型自适应控制算法(CFDL-MFAC)白勺鲁棒性问题。对于有界白勺测量噪声和负载扰动,理论上证明了CFDL-MFAC算法白勺鲁棒收敛性,并采用统计方法分析了测量扰动和负载扰动对CFDL-MFAC算法白勺影响,给出了输出误差统计特性和扰动统计特性之间白勺关系,进一步提醒了扰动对控制系统白勺作用。二、针对扰动对无模型自适应控制算法白勺影响,提出了四种改进白勺扰动抑制无模型自适应控制算法:带有衰减因子白勺无模型自适应控制算法、带有滤波器白勺无模型自适应控制算法、带有控制死区白勺无模型自适应控制算法和带有扰动补偿白勺无模型自适应控制算法。理论上证明了改进算法白勺收敛性,仿真示例验证了改进算法对于抑制扰动白勺有效性。三、针对存在测量数据丧失白勺一类非线性离散时间系统,分析了CFDL-MFAC算法白勺鲁棒性问题。给出了算法在期望意义下白勺鲁棒收敛性证明,并定义一个收敛速度因子分析数据丧失对算法白勺影响,理论上分析了当数据丧失程度增加时算法白勺收敛速度将变慢。仿真结论 验证了理论分析白勺正确性。四、针对数据丧失对MFAC算法收敛速度白勺影响,提出带有丧失数据补偿白勺MFAC算法。该算法首先对丧失白勺数据停止估计,然后将估计值用于控制算法白勺更新。理论上证明了该算法白勺收敛性,仿真结论 表示该算法和常规白勺MFAC算法相比可有效抑制数据丧失白勺影响, 进步 系统输出响应白勺速度。五、针对线性离散时间系统,分析了迭代学习控制算法存在测量数据丧失时白勺鲁棒性问题。给出了算法收敛白勺条件,并在理论上证明了一阶ILC算法和高阶ILC算法在期望意义白勺鲁棒收敛性。同时,设计一种H∝鲁棒迭代学习控制器,该控制器在系统存在输出测量数据丧失和迭代变化扰动时,可满足迭代轴上白勺H∝性能要求。仿真结论 验证了算法白勺有效性。

1 绪论13-33
    1.1 引言13
    1.2 数据驱动控制理论13-19
        1.2.1 无模型自适应控制14-15
        1.2.2 迭代学习控制15-16
        1.2.3 迭代反馈整定16-18
        1.2.4 虚拟参考反馈整定18-19
        1.2.5 去伪控制19
    1.3 数据驱动控制算法的鲁棒性19-21
    1.4 控制系统的扰动21-24
        1.4.1 测量扰动21-23
        1.4.2 负载扰动23-24
    1.5 控制系统的数据丢失24-29
        1.5.1 存在数据丢失的系统辨识与参数估计24-25
        1.5.2 存在数据丢失的控制系统稳定性分析25-27
        1.5.3 存在数据丢失的控制器设计27
        1.5.4 存在数据丢失的滤波器设计27-28
        1.5.5 数据丢失补偿算法28-29
    1.6 论文主要工作及组织结构29-33
        1.6.1 论文主要工作29-30
        1.6.2 论文结构安排30-33
2 无模型自适应控制扰动作用分析33-55
    2.1 引言33-34
    2.2 基于紧格式线性化方法的无模型自适应控制34-42
        2.2.1 SISO非线性离散时间系统34-39
        2.2.2 MISO非线性离散时间系统39-42
    2.3 无模型自适应控制扰动作用分析42-54
        2.3.1 问题描述42-43
        2.3.2 鲁棒收敛性43-46
        2.3.3 测量扰动作用分析46-47
        2.3.4 负载扰动作用分析47-50
        2.3.5 仿真研究50-54
    2.4 本章小结54-55
3 扰动抑制无模型自适应控制算法55-87
    3.1 引言55-56
    3.2 带有衰减因子的无模型自适应控制56-64
        3.2.1 算法描述56
        3.2.2 收敛性分析56-61
        3.2.3 仿真研究61-64
    3.3 带有滤波器的无模型自适应控制64-73
        3.3.1 算法描述65
        3.3.2 收敛性分析65-68
        3.3.3 仿真研究68-73
    3.4 带有控制死区的无模型自适应控制73-77
        3.4.1 算法描述74
        3.4.2 收敛性分析74-75
        3.4.3 仿真研究75-77
    3.5 带有扰动补偿的无模型自适应控制77-85
        3.5.1 控制器设计78-80
        3.5.2 基于神经网络的扰动估计器80-82
        3.5.3 仿真研究82-85
    3.6 本章小结85-87
4 存在数据丢失的无模型自适应控制87-109
    4.1 引言87-88
    4.2 存在数据丢失的MFAC算法88-100
        4.2.1 问题描述88-89
        4.2.2 收敛性分析89-92
        4.2.3 数据丢失对算法的影响92-93
        4.2.4 MISO非线性离散时间系统93-96
        4.2.5 仿真研究96-100
    4.3 带有丢失数据补偿的无模型自适应控制算法100-108
        4.3.1 算法描述100
        4.3.2 收敛性分析100-102
        4.3.3 仿真研究102-108
    4.4 本章小结108-109
5 存在数据丢失的迭代学习控制109-137
    5.1 引言109-110
    5.2 存在数据丢失的一阶迭代学习算法110-120
        5.2.1 问题描述110-112
        5.2.2 收敛性分析112-114
        5.2.3 仿真研究114-120
    5.3 存在数据丢失的高阶迭代学习算法120-125
        5.3.1 问题描述120-121
        5.3.2 收敛性分析121-123
        5.3.3 仿真研究123-125
    5.4 存在数据丢失的H_∞迭代学习控制器设计125-136
        5.4.1 问题描述125-128
        5.4.2 控制器设计与主要结果128-133
        5.4.3 仿真研究133-136
    5.5 本章小结136-137
6 结论与展望137-139
    6.1 结论137-138
    6.2 有待进一步研究的问题138-139

